Kylar Wiki

Kylar's Loyal Empire, more commonly known as the KyleLandian Empire, or just the "KLE" for short, is a Galactic Empire controlled by the Grand Emperor, Kylar, who is seen as a god by his people. Thanks to the cloning program, the KLE has a massive clone army that grows larger every day. The KLE also has the ability to mass-produce large amounts of food and other resources through cloning, meaning that they have an almost limitless amount of anything that they could ever need. The Empire continues to grow in power throughout the galaxy all because of the cloning properties within LCOAM.

Belief of KyleLandia

"The Division of Humanity leads to Death and Tragedy.

Without the things that Divide Us, Humanity will be United.

A United Humanity will Prosper.

So Unite under the same Flag and let go of what Divides you from one another.

Peace Through Order!"

Rules and Regulations

The Rules of Kylar's Empire are the laws that Kylar has set into place because he believes that they will make the empire a greater and safer place. They regulate the population to stay in line and fear consequences. Fear will shape them into law-abiding citizens. These citizens will then hopefully look down upon lawbreakers and report them.

There are different forms of punishment in the Empire for different levels of breaking the law. If you were to do something minor like speeding, you could be put in a small cell for a day or two. If you were to be addicted to something harmful to you and others, you would be placed in a KLE mine for rehabilitation. If you murder in cold blood you will be shot. If you kill multiple innocent people you may even be taken to a Kylelandian Torture Hall.


  • Extremely Authoritative, Kylar has control over everything in the Empire.
  • Power-hungry, wants everyone and everything alive to live under it, will attack if you refuse to join their cause.
  • Extremely Militaristic, it will host multiple large military parades every year and forces the population to fight for it.
  • Extremely advanced, has many advanced technologies derived from alien technologies.
  • Very influential, has many allies, and inspires many smaller nations, and will even aid them into a bigger and better future.
  • Extremely Brutal Military, will often send more than enough military forces to take an objective and will also leave no survivors. "No Mercy"
  • Many units within the army are extremely large and heavy due to the fact the KLE believes the bigger the better. This does, however, make many of their gigantic machines slow.


The KLE was founded after the Third World War once Kylar took over Africa, The Middle East, most of Asia. The KLE was created once Kylar had fully harnessed the power of LCOAM and cloning technology had been put into mass production.

Cloning Project

"It was like we were playing god, we loved it!" - Lead Brotherhood Scientist of Cloning Project

During the Third World War, Kylar had multiple research projects on the mysterious crystal that Kylar was given after he was visited by the Krin in his early life. One project chipped a part of the crystal off and melted it. This crystal when in liquid form would show properties of rapid growth acceleration and would basically create an identical copy of whatever is put into contact with. Since it could copy anything they decided to create more of this alien material. This cloning of different things obviously gave Kylar and his scientist the question of what happens when you clone a humanoid. At first, Kylar ordered the clone of a lead scientist to see if they could create multiple copies of the same person. The science team after endless studying and research on the liquidized alien material they had a few theories of how they could clone this scientist. Their first idea was to completely submerge the man into a vat of the material, this would, unfortunately, seem too dangerous for the man to attempt and wanted an alternative. The scientist unsure of what else they could do decided to try an unlikely alternative. They took a blood sample from the man and inserted it into the vat of alien liquid. Surprisingly the same quickly mutated and developed into a humanoid shape in a matter of seconds. A few more seconds later the humanoid shape would transform into an identical copy of the scientist. The clone would step out a little shaken and confused but he would have all the abilities and memories of the man he was created from. Mankind had just created the first successful clone of a human being with a material they had little understanding of.

Clone War

The Clone War was started only a few years after the end of the Third World War. The Clone War would lead to the downfall of Earth and would see the first empire to span across the entire globe.

The first act of the Clone War was for the newly founded KLE to invade the Chinese, who had survived the Third World War. This fighting would go on for a while but the KLE would come out victorious within a year. Now that all of Asia and Europe belonged to the KLE, Act two could now commence and Kylar could finally initiate his plan to invade the biggest threat to his new Empire, America. The invasion of America would technically begin when the KLE pacific fleet seized the Hawaiian islands in a few days, but the larger invasion would land in the West Coast, the East coast, and a large military group crossed over from Russia to Alaska. Alaska would fall in a matter of weeks which then lead to a war with Canada which would last a few years. The War in the mainland of the United States, however, proved to be quite difficult due to the fact that almost every citizen fought for their country. The war on the American home front would last 4 years. But once the United States was defeated the rest of the world could be taken with ease, excluding the multiple resistance groups that would rise from the populace almost every few years.

KLE Technology

RAIN Technology

For some reason, Kylelandians prefer to fight in the rain. Rain seems to cool them down while also giving them a morale boost. KLE scientists wanted to create a weather altering device that makes it constantly rain. This would lead them to create the RAIN Tower. The RAIN Tower was originally designed as a stationary structure in the capital city until Kylar ordered that a mobile variant was constructed. The Mobile Rain Tower was a large and slow vehicle that would be grouped in with a large military force. The disadvantage of this machine is the fact that it was characterized by a gigantic storm cloud hovering a few miles above it. This storm cloud often gave away the element of surprise and would let the targeted enemy prepare defenses or retreat in the opposite direction. RAIN Towers were also attached to large naval invasion craft but were less common than their land counterparts.

Further advancement in the RAIN Technology gave the Kylelandian Empire it's first highly advanced special forces infantry. These men were known as RAIN troopers, they wore a special suit that could dematerialize them (in a process similar to water evaporating) and then rematerialize them in their targeted location. These men are at high risk of death when it comes to the rematerialization process, not because of an error in the technology but because of the length of the process itself. It takes far to long for the RAIN to reassemble the soldiers' bodies and that could lead to them getting shot at without any way of defending themselves.


Thanks to the cloning technology of the Kylelandian Empire, the military size of the KLE is almost impossible to measure, the KLE is constantly creating clones with about a few thousand created almost every minute. The cloning process had, however, reached an end once Kylar had disappeared. The total number of the clone army was around 50 trillion.

The Clone Army was also accompanied by a droid army that would continue to be produced for a while after the disappearance of Kylar but would eventually be halted as well due to the fact that the Empire had no one to command it anymore. The Droid army reached about 152 trillion until it was finally deactivated.

The Kylelandian Empire's Space Navy had about 800 thousand spacecraft larger than 100 meters, about 10 trillion smaller spacecraft such as Fighters and Bombers. There were also about 150 Space Stations that were classified as Super Weapons.

KLE Moon Factories

The Kylelandian Empire's Moon Project is part of one of the largest mass production programs in the Galaxy. When the KLE takes control of a moon or barren planet they will begin construction on multiple factories. These factories will consist of Spacecraft, Military Vehicles, Droids, and the main export are Clones. The Clone factories will be able to produce an entire Clone Brigade in a single day which will then be boarded onto Apocalypse ships and sent to where they're required. Not only does this happen on a regular basis in the Kylelandian solar system but it can be used as an attack method. Kylelandian builders will discretely land onto a moon in an enemy system and start construction on factories. Once the factories are finished they will immediately begin production on an invasion force. If the Invasion force is successfully finished the KLE will initiate a surprise invasion onto the targeted planet. 

Mining Program

There are many rules in the Empire made by the almighty Kylar himself that have severe consequences.

One of these rules says that no one will smoke or consume and expose others to harmful substances such as drugs. These drugs can be any type but the most common offense is the ignitable drugs that will leave an odor and second-hand smoke. Those who are caught doing narcotics will be punished by serving 7 years in the Mines of Kylar. This punishment is necessary to break their habits and make them healthy again. The treatments in the mines can be quite brutal though, often those who do not serve or are too weak to serve will be removed from work and will never be seen again. Then again there can be good outcomes for working hard in the KL Mines. Every once in awhile a dedicated hard working individual will be taken out of the mining community to serve as a janitorial servant in the Capital city, and a hand-picked few get to serve inside the Capital building itself.

The Kylelandian investment of the minerals in the Mines is part of an organization known as Kylar's Expensive Objects (KEO), they mainly focus on collecting gold and other precious objects. They will also forge statues out of gold built in the god-like image of Kylar. One of the most famous and recognized is the massive statue built in front of the Capitol building of the Empire.

Iron Globe Program

Thanks to Kylar's chief engineer Daniel, the KLE has been able to construct various machines and structures that are unbelievable and can leave those who view them to stare in awe. The Iron Globe Program is one of Daniel's most impressive projects to ever have been done. This project is centered around the Idea of a planet-sized space station that is made entirely of man-made metal that is almost indestructible. There was originally just going to be one but the Metal World was constructed in a few years thanks to Kylelandia's accelerated building technology involving cloning materials and whatever else that was needed. Daniel has built multiple Worlds and the purposes of these enormous creations vary from testing weaponry to making them entire military bases for cloning military assets. These Metal worlds are usually not used as homeworlds but there have been many talks about whether or not some of these Iron Worlds should be dedicated to civilian life.

Structure of Power and Command

Grand Emperor Kylar, the leader of the Empire is not capable of controlling and maintaining structure by himself. To fix this problem, Clone Advisors have been deployed to each planet to act as the head of command. These Clone Advisors are meant to keep order throughout the Empire. Clone Advisors have multiple different roles.

The lowest ranking Advisors are the District Advisors. A group of District Advisors will make decisions for the region sort of like if a US State had a group of governors. Every district on a planet has a group of District Advisors. District Advisors have the ability to contact the Planetary Advisors. These Planetary Advisors will usually have the Final Decision on what happens. If the situation is too great for the Advisors, Kylar's Grand Advisors will be contacted for further aid and instruction. Grand Advisors have the ability to contact the God-Emperor himself. Kylar's word goes, his decision is the final decision.

Notable Locations or buildings

Anthem of the KLE

The anthem of the Kylelandian Empire was written about Grand Emperor Kylar. The song sings about how Kylar came from Rome and eventually went to the stars. It is a fanatical song where the singer views Kylar as a god among men and pledges their life to him. The song also mentions LCOAM as if it came from Kylar himself, saying it is his power crystalized. They also sing of his clones and how they are fearless warriors who will forever uphold his decree. The song then talks about how Kylar's influence will spread across the universe and how no one can stand against the power of the KLE. The song ends on a unifying and happier note, where the people singing mention the happiness they feel under Kylar's influence and the safety of the Empire that they live within.


Kylelandian Anthem (Unfinished)






Planets in Empire

The Kylelandian Empire has a total of 366 planets but only 27 can be recognized as part of the Grand Imperial circle at a time. Those that are recognized are given a name, all others are given a set of Letters and numbers for ID instead of a name. For example, FX-52 was once a lesser planet under the Kylelandian Empire.








Military Inventory-

Strike Forces

  • Planetary Invasion Force - 3,000,000 - 10,000,000 Soldiers
  • Planetary Exploration Force - 300,000 Soldiers
  • Tier 3 Strike Force - 100,000 Soldiers
  • Tier 2 Strike Force - 10,000 Soldiers
  • Tier 1 Strike Force - 5,000 Soldiers
  • Village Cleansing Force - 350 Soldiers, 12 Armored Cars, 8 Attack Helicopters

Military Branches/Units

Name Description
Brotherhood Of Kylar Highly fanatic human military devoted to Kylar.
Brotherhood Of Destruction Military force loyal to Kyle the Destroyer.
Brotherhood Of Thought Daniel the Engineer‘s personal faction with outlandish designs
Brotherhood Of Control A Military division of the KLE built almost entirely of robots.
Brotherhood Of War Military division of the KLE built on highly mobile warfare doctrines.
Brotherhood Of Iron Military division of the KLE that specializes in armored warfare.
Dark Order A black magic cult who brought the Darkness to this universe.
KLE Clone Corps The bulk of the KLE Military comes from the Clone Corps.
KLE Blizzard Corps Military division of the KLE that specializes in winter warfare.
KLE Desert Corps Military division of the KLE that specializes in desert warfare.
KLE Navy Military division of the KLE that specializes in naval warfare.
KLE Air Force Military division of the KLE that specializes in aerial warfare.
KLE Space Force Military division of the KLE that operates in Low-Gravity or No Gravity.
KLE Defense Force Military division of the KLE that specializes in protecting cities or important KLE assets.
KLE Weather Corps Military division of the KLE that uses special weapons and tactics utilizing rain storms.
KLE Terror Corps Military division of the KLE that uses special weapons and tactics based on terrorizing the enemy and demoralizing them.
KLE PsyCorps Military division of the KLE that uses special weapons and tactics utilizing psychic powers.
KLE Time Corps Military division of the KLE that uses special weapons and tactics utilizing time travel.
KLE Fire Corps Military division of the KLE that specializes in extremely hot climates.
KLE Experimental Corps Military division of the KLE that uses experimental weapons and tactics.




  • Fragmentation Grenade
  • Fragmentation EMP Grenade
  • LCOAM Grenade

Sidearm Weapons

Primary Weapons

  • KSG-35 Combat Shotgun
  • KA6 Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle
  • K14 Rifle
  • K23H Semi-Auto Rifle
  • K63R Rifle
  • KLK-27 Assault Rifle
  • SAR-36 Assault Rifle
  • Shield Gun
  • Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle
  • Laser Rifle
  • Chaingun
  • Flame Thrower
  • LCOAM Gas Shooter


  • RPG
  • Bazooka
  • Handheld Tank Destroyer
  • Heavy LCOAM Launcher


  • Portable Energy Shield


Name Description Part of
Slave Soldier When a Mine is under attack Slaves will fight off intruders. Brotherhood of Kylar
Penal Battalion Prisoners who have to earn freedom with the blood of Kylar's enemies. Brotherhood of Kylar
Scout A lightly armored soldier who is sent out in the early stages of battle. Brotherhood of Kylar
Pilots Men who are trained to fly aerial vehicles. Brotherhood of Kylar
Engineer Brotherhood of Kylar
Medic The KL medic is a brotherhood soldier tasked with saving other BOK soldiers. Brotherhood of Kylar
Communications Officer Officers tasked with ordering supply drops and artillery bombardments. Brotherhood of Kylar
Militant Aggressively Combative Civilians who will die for Kylar in a heartbeat. Brotherhood of Kylar
KL Suiciders Clones with highly explosive Liquid LCOAM Bombs strapped to their bodies. Clone Corps/ Terror Corps
Clone Soldier Thousands of Clone soldiers are deployed almost everywhere the KLE fight. Clone Corps
Shock Trooper Soldiers that charge the enemy soon after artillery bombardment. Brotherhood of Kylar
Heavy Soldier
KyleLandian Rocket Soldier Infantrymen who are equipped with rocket launchers.
Grenadier Soldiers armed with an abundance of grenades.
Amphibious Trooper Soldiers who are deployed in swampy regions.
Sea Trooper Soldiers who are specialized in underwater combat.
Laser Trooper Basic Infantry that carry laser rifles instead of standard firearms.
Heavy Laser Trooper Heavy Infantry that carry laser machineguns instead of standard firearms.
Anti-Material Trooper
Rad Trooper Soldiers who can radiate enemy soldiers and cause their bodies to fail.
Nuke Trooper Infantry that carry mini-nuke launchers that are devastating to enemy positions.
Paratrooper Basic infantry that paradrop behind enemy lines.
Sky Trooper Infantry equipped with Jet Packs who can glide attack enemy infantry.
Magnetic Trooper
Voltage Trooper
Stealth Trooper
Kylar's Royal Guards The Royal Guards who defend Kylar and his capital.
Kyle The Destroyer The greatest warrior and first clone of the KLE. KLE
Kylar The Grand Emperor of the Kylelandian Empire. KLE




Part of

Scout Bike A really fast and light bike used for scouting out enemy positions.
Scout Car A light and fast vehicle armed with a Machine Gun nest.
Armored Car A slightly heavier and slower vehicle armed with a light Anti-Tank Cannon.
Light Armored Personnel Carrier A light and fast APC that is armed with an anti-infantry turret.
Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier A smaller APC that can float, it is also armed with an anti-tank cannon.
Anti-Air Tank A tank armed with 6 anti-air guns.
Demo-Truck A truck with an LCOAM bomb in the back. Used for Suicide attacks.
Utility Vehicle A vehicle operated by Engineers used to repair friendly vehicles or buildings.
Harvester A vehicle used to collect whatever resources that may be around.
Locator Vehicle A vehicle that has radar and can locate stealthed enemy units.
Rationalizer Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry join your side.
Intimidator Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry demoralized and flee.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle A Medium vehicle armed with an Automatic Anti-Infantry Cannon.
Amphibious Battle Tank A light battle tank that can float.
Tsunami Tank Amphibious tanks useful for supporting naval invasions and combatting small seaborne threats.
Light Armored Battle Tank Small, fast tanks meant to outnumber and outspeed, but not necessarily outgun other enemy tanks.
Medium Armored Battle Tank All-around, general purpose tanks built for conventional methods of attack.
Anti-Material Tank A medium vehicle armed with an LCOAM Plasma Cannon.
Tank Destroyer Heavily armored and heavy-hitting vehicle that's good for taking out vehicles,
Destroyer Tank A slightly faster and weaker cousin to the Tank Destroyer.
Self-Propelled Artillery A heavy and slow tank armed with an artillery cannon.
K-1 Missile Launcher A vehicle armed with the Kylelandian K-1 Missile System.
Chain Tank Heavy tank that is able to clear mines, rip through infantry, and tear light vehicles into shreds.
Blade Tank Experimental "melee tank" that is specialized for tearing through infantry. Also equipped with Anti-tank cannon.
Flame Tank Heavy vehicle that shoots flames and burns enemy infantry and garrisons.
Fume Tank Large vehicle that releases poisonous LCOAM Gas and lights LCOAM clouds on Fire.


Name Description
Walking Tower A bipedal mech that looks like a man on very tall stilts.
Juggernaut A Bipedal mech meant for charging enemy units. It is good for knocking down other mechs and crushing enemy vehicles.
Dragon Mech A mech that can fly for short periods of time and is armed with a flame thrower.
Tri-Walker A 3-legged mech armed with a anti-infantry cannon.


  1. Kamikaze Plane
  2. Gunship
  3. Dropship
  4. Attack Helicopter
  5. Light Fighter "Dart"
  6. Medium Fighter 
  7. Recon
  8. Carryall
  9. Light Bomber
  10. Medium Bomber
  11. Heavy Bomber
  12. Light Troop Transport Ship 
  13. Medium Transport Ship
  14. Heavy Transport Ship
  15. Invasion Plane
  16. Airship Bomber


  1. Scout Boat
  2. Patrol Boat
  3. Attack Boat
  4. Invasion Class Landing Craft
  5. Supremacy Cruiser
  6. Battleship
  7. Submarine
  8. Missile Submarine
  9. Warship
  10. Aircraft Carrier


Name Description Part of
Slave Soldier When a Mine is under attack Slaves will fight off intruders. Brotherhood of Kylar
Penal Battalion Prisoners who have to earn freedom with the blood of Kylar's enemies. Brotherhood of Kylar
Scout A lightly armored soldier who is sent out in the early stages of battle. Brotherhood of Kylar
Pilots Men who are trained to fly aerial vehicles. Brotherhood of Kylar
Engineer Brotherhood of Kylar
Medic The KL medic is a brotherhood soldier tasked with saving other BOK soldiers. Brotherhood of Kylar
Communications Officer Officers tasked with ordering supply drops and artillery bombardments. Brotherhood of Kylar
Militant Aggressively Combative Civilians who will die for Kylar in a heartbeat. Brotherhood of Kylar
KL Suiciders Clones with highly explosive Liquid LCOAM Bombs strapped to their bodies. Clone Corps/ Terror Corps
Clone Soldier Thousands of Clone soldiers are deployed almost everywhere the KLE fight. Clone Corps
Shock Trooper Soldiers that charge the enemy soon after artillery bombardment. Brotherhood of Kylar
Heavy Soldier
KyleLandian Rocket Soldier Infantrymen who are equipped with rocket launchers.
Grenadier Soldiers armed with an abundance of grenades.
Amphibious Trooper Soldiers who are deployed in swampy regions.
Sea Trooper Soldiers who are specialized in underwater combat.
Laser Trooper Basic Infantry that carry laser rifles instead of standard firearms.
Heavy Laser Trooper Heavy Infantry that carry laser machineguns instead of standard firearms.
Anti-Material Trooper
Rad Trooper Soldiers who can radiate enemy soldiers and cause their bodies to fail.
Nuke Trooper Infantry that carry mini-nuke launchers that are devastating to enemy positions.
Paratrooper Basic infantry that paradrop behind enemy lines.
Sky Trooper Infantry equipped with Jet Packs who can glide attack enemy infantry.
Rain Trooper Soldiers that are capable of rematerializing anywhere in a KL rainstorm.
Magnetic Trooper
Voltage Trooper
Stealth Trooper
Kylar's Royal Guards The Royal Guards who defend Kylar and his capital.
Kyle The Destroyer The greatest warrior and first clone of the KLE. KLE
Kylar The Grand Emperor of the Kylelandian Empire. KLE


Name Description Part of
Guardian Robot The first droid mass-produced by the KLE.




Part of

Scout Bike A really fast and light bike used for scouting out enemy positions.
Scout Car A light and fast vehicle armed with a Machine Gun nest.
Armored Car A slightly heavier and slower vehicle armed with a light Anti-Tank Cannon.
Light Armored Personnel Carrier A light and fast APC that is armed with an anti-infantry turret.
Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier A smaller APC that can float, it is also armed with an anti-tank cannon.
Anti-Air Tank A tank armed with 6 anti-air guns.
Demo-Truck A truck with an LCOAM bomb in the back. Used for Suicide attacks.
Utility Vehicle A vehicle operated by Engineers used to repair friendly vehicles or buildings.
Harvester A vehicle used to collect whatever resources that may be around.
Locator Vehicle A vehicle that has radar and can locate stealthed enemy units.
Rationalizer Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry join your side.
Intimidator Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry demoralized and flee.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle A Medium vehicle armed with an Automatic Anti-Infantry Cannon.
Amphibious Battle Tank A light battle tank that can float.
Tsunami Tank Amphibious tanks useful for supporting naval invasions and combatting small seaborne threats.
Flank Tank Fast, unconventional tanks meant to outmaneuver enemies.
Light Armored Battle Tank Small, fast tanks meant to outnumber and outspeed, but not necessarily outgun other enemy tanks.
Medium Armored Battle Tank All-around, general purpose tanks built for conventional methods of attack.
Heavy Armored Battle Tank Large, durable tanks meant for direct assaults.
Anti-Material Tank A medium vehicle armed with an LCOAM Plasma Cannon.
Tank Destroyer Heavily armored and heavy-hitting vehicle that's good for taking out vehicles,
Destroyer Tank A slightly faster and weaker cousin to the Tank Destroyer.
Self-Propelled Artillery A heavy and slow tank armed with an artillery cannon.
K-2 Missile Launcher A vehicle armed with the Kylelandian K-2 Missile System.
Chain Tank Heavy tank that is able to clear mines, rip through infantry, and tear light vehicles into shreds.
Blade Tank Experimental "melee tank" that is specialized for tearing through infantry. Also equipped with Anti-tank cannon.
Flame Tank Heavy vehicle that shoots flames and burns enemy infantry and garrisons.
Fume Tank Large vehicle that releases poisonous LCOAM Gas and lights LCOAM clouds on Fire.
Supertanks Large tanks that can take a lot of damage and destroy anything.
Mobile Battle Base Able to transform into Powerful Defenses


Name Description
Walking Tower A bipedal mech that looks like a man on very tall stilts.
Juggernaut A Bipedal mech meant for charging enemy units. It is good for knocking down other mechs and crushing enemy vehicles.
Dragon Mech A mech that can fly for short periods of time and is armed with a flame thrower.
Tri-Walker A 3-legged mech armed with a anti-infantry cannon.


  1. Kamikaze Plane
  2. Gunship
  3. Dropship
  4. Attack Helicopter
  5. Falcon Fighter
  6. Light Fighter "Dart"
  7. Medium Fighter 
  8. Heavy Fighter
  9. Recon
  10. Carryall
  11. Light Bomber
  12. Medium Bomber
  13. Heavy Bomber
  14. Light Troop Transport Ship 
  15. Medium Transport Ship
  16. Heavy Transport Ship
  17. Invasion Plane
  18. Airship Bomber
  19. Apocalypse Ship V1


  1. Scout Boat
  2. Patrol Boat
  3. Attack Boat
  4. Invasion Class Landing Craft
  5. Supremacy Cruiser
  6. Battleship
  7. Submarine
  8. Missile Submarine
  9. Kamikaze Submarine
  10. Warship
  11. Aircraft Carrier
  12. Invasion Carrier


Picture Name Description Part of
KLE Slave Slave Soldier When a Mine is under attack Slaves will fight off intruders. Brotherhood of Kylar
Penal Battalion Prisoners who have to earn freedom with the blood of Kylar's enemies. Brotherhood of Kylar
Watcher Standard enforcement who are stationed at every street corner in a city. Brotherhood of Kylar
ESP Officer ESP Officer Officers who swear to Enforce, Secure, and Protect KL cities.
KLE SWAT Soldier SWAT Soldier The most specialized civilian enforcement of Kylelandia.
Scout A lightly armored soldier who is sent out in the early stages of battle. Brotherhood of Kylar
Pilots Men who are trained to fly aerial vehicles. Brotherhood of Kylar
Engineer Brotherhood of Kylar
Brotherhood of Kylar Medic Medic The KL medic is a brotherhood soldier tasked with saving other BOK soldiers. Brotherhood of Kylar
Communications Officer Officers tasked with ordering supply drops and artillery bombardments. Brotherhood of Kylar
Kylar Militant Militant Aggressively Combative Civilians who will die for Kylar in a heartbeat. Brotherhood of Kylar
KLE Suicider HeroForge KL Suiciders Clones with highly explosive Liquid LCOAM Bombs strapped to their bodies. Clone Corps/ Terror Corps
KLE Clone Soldier Model KyleLandian Soldier Thousands of Clone soldiers are deployed almost everywhere the KLE fight. Clone Corps
Shock Trooper Soldiers that charge the enemy soon after artillery bombardment. Brotherhood of Kylar
Heavy Soldier
KLE Rocket Soldier CW KyleLandian Rocket Soldier Infantrymen who are equipped with rocket launchers.
Grenadier Soldiers armed with an abundance of grenades.
Tunnel Trooper Soldiers who are highly specialized in subterranean combat.
Burrow Trooper Soldiers who are capable of digging underground tunnels.
Mountain Trooper Main infantry in Mountain biomes.
KL Snow Trooper Snow Trooper Main infantry in cold biomes. KLE Blizzard Corps
Cryo Trooper Specialized infantry capable of freezing enemy units.
Sand Trooper Sand Trooper Main infantry in hot and dry biomes.
Lava Trooper Main infantry in hot and firey biomes.
Flame Trooper Infantry who carry flamethrowers that are good at burning the enemy.
Magma Trooper Specialized infantry who launch explosive fireballs.
KLE Swamp Trooper Swamp Trooper
Amphibious Trooper Soldiers who are deployed in swampy regions.
Sea Trooper Soldiers who are specialized in underwater combat.
Space Trooper The backbone of the Kylelandian Space Force.
Laser Trooper Basic Infantry that carry laser rifles instead of standard firearms.
Heavy Laser Trooper Heavy Infantry that carry laser machineguns instead of standard firearms.
LCOAM Trooper Anti-Material Trooper
Rad Trooper Soldiers who can radiate enemy soldiers and cause their bodies to fail.
Nuke Trooper Infantry that carry mini-nuke launchers that are devastating to enemy positions.
KL Paratrooper front Paratrooper Basic infantry that paradrop behind enemy lines.
Drop Troops Infantry that is deployed by drop pods from spaceships.
Sky Trooper Infantry equipped with Jet Packs who can glide attack enemy infantry.
KL Air Commando Air Commando
Wind Trooper Infantry equipped with wind cannons that can send the enemy flying.
Rain Trooper First Concept Rain Trooper Soldiers that are capable of rematerializing anywhere in a KL rainstorm.
Sonic Trooper
Magnetic Trooper
Voltage Trooper
Ohm Trooper Ohm Trooper Can absorb, conduct, and manipulate electricity. They can also use electricity to fly.
Stealth Trooper
Strong Man without arms Strong Men Genetically modified to lift incredibly heavy objects
Berserker Clone Berserker Clone Magically enhanced clone soldier that can rip & tear through enemies.
Kystenium Super Soldier All weapons do damage but Kystenium Super Soldiers can soak a ton of damage.
Zealot Of Kylar Zealot
KLE Navy Officer KLE Navy Officer
Kylar's 1st Class Honor Guard Honor Guard High-ranking Clones that defend Kylar's name by killing all who speak wrong of him
Kylar's Royal Guard Kylar's Royal Guards The Royal Guards who defend Kylar and his capital.
17351185 727348824113279 512793083 n Ky-Tar the Assassin One of the most impressive assassins within the KLE.
Body Double Clones that can act as the Emperor or KTD.
Kyle The Destroyer The greatest warrior and first clone of the KLE. KLE
Drawing of Kylar Cropped Kylar The Grand Emperor of the Kylelandian Empire. KLE


Picture Name Description Part of
KLE Battle Droid Light Droid A light and fast battledroid.
Medium Droid Heavier than Light droids and faster than Heavy droids.
Heavy Droid The strongest and slowest standard battledroid.
Security Droid
Guardian Droid Guardian Robot The first droid mass-produced by the KLE.




Part of

Scout Bike A really fast and light bike used for scouting out enemy positions.
Attack Bike A really fast and light bike used to harass enemy units.
Scout Car A light and fast vehicle armed with a Machine Gun nest.
Armored Car A slightly heavier and slower vehicle armed with a light Anti-Tank Cannon.
Light Armored Personnel Carrier A light and fast APC that is armed with an anti-infantry turret.
Armored Personnel Carrier A large APC armed with machine guns, anti-tank cannon, and a LCOAM Plasma cannon.
Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier A smaller APC that can float, it is also armed with an anti-tank cannon.
Anti-Air Tank A tank armed with 6 anti-air guns.
Demo-Truck A truck with an LCOAM bomb in the back. Used for Suicide attacks.
Utility Vehicle A vehicle operated by Engineers used to repair friendly vehicles or buildings.
Harvester A vehicle used to collect whatever resources that may be around.
Locator Vehicle A vehicle that has radar and can locate stealthed enemy units.
Rationalizer Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry join your side.
Intimidator Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry demoralized and flee.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle A Medium vehicle armed with an Automatic Anti-Infantry Cannon.
Amphibious Battle Tank A light battle tank that can float.
KLE Main Battle Tank
Dune Tank Secondary main battle tanks built to withstand the unforgiving heat and dust storms of desert planets.
Sandstorm A special tank that can unleash a massive barrage of missiles toward an enemy target.
Blizzard Tank Tertiary main battle tank built to endure the brutal, endless winters of ice planets.
Magma Tank A tank that can withstand the hottest and most dangerous environments like those on Lava Worlds.
Tsunami Tank Amphibious tanks useful for supporting naval invasions and combatting small seaborne threats.
Flank Tank Fast, unconventional tanks meant to outmaneuver enemies.
Light Armored Battle Tank Small, fast tanks meant to outnumber and outspeed, but not necessarily outgun other enemy tanks.
Medium Armored Battle Tank All-around, general purpose tanks built for conventional methods of attack.
Heavy Armored Battle Tank Large, durable tanks meant for direct assaults.
Anti-Material Tank A medium vehicle armed with an LCOAM Plasma Cannon.
Tank Destroyer Heavily armored and heavy-hitting vehicle that's good for taking out vehicles,
Destroyer Tank A slightly faster and weaker cousin to the Tank Destroyer.
Self-Propelled Artillery A heavy and slow tank armed with an artillery cannon.
K-3 Missile Launcher A vehicle armed with the Kylelandian K-3 Missile System.
Chain Tank Heavy tank that is able to clear mines, rip through infantry, and tear light vehicles into shreds.
Blade Tank Experimental "melee tank" that is specialized for tearing through infantry. Also equipped with Anti-tank cannon.
Flame Tank Heavy vehicle that shoots flames and burns enemy infantry and garrisons.
Cryo Tank A tank that can freeze enemy units in their tracks then shatter them.
Fume Tank Large vehicle that releases poisonous LCOAM Gas and lights LCOAM clouds on Fire.
Shock Tank A tank that shoots electricity out of three electric rods.
Flash Tank A tank that can shoot a blinding flash at a target disorienting them.
Sonic Tank A tank that shoots deadly sonic waves at targets.
Skorpian Tank Heavy tank that fires a very powerful laser of super-heated LCOAM.
Stealth Tank A hover tank that can cloak to be invisible.
Supertanks Large tanks that can take a lot of damage and destroy anything.
Droid Transport A large vehicle that carries hundreds of Battle Droids.
Mobile Battle Base Able to transform into Powerful Defenses
Land Battleship   Large land vehicles shaped like battleships making them amphibious.


Name Description
Low-Grav Hopper Primary walker deployed on Moons.
High-Grav Crawler Deployed on planets where you can hardly stand.
Walking Tower A bipedal mech that looks like a man on very tall stilts.
Juggernaut A Bipedal mech meant for charging enemy units. It is good for knocking down other mechs and crushing enemy vehicles.
Dragon Mech A mech that can fly for short periods of time and is armed with a flame thrower.
Tri-Walker A 3-legged mech armed with a anti-infantry cannon.
Sea Floor Walker A Kylelandian Walker that can walk across any body of water and attack enemy ships from underneath.
KL Assault Walker The Primary KLE Walker that was usually deployed to mow down infantry.
Artillery Walker A walker that is good for climbing walls and laying down long-range support.
AT-APC V1 A Heavy Walker that can carry a ton of troops in an assault.
GOD EMPEROR MECH A Titanic Mech that was built to combat The Great Ones. It can also be deployed to basically massacre enemy worlds.


  1. Kamikaze Plane
  2. Gunship
  3. Dropship
  4. Attack Helicopter
  5. Falcon Fighter
  6. Light Fighter "Dart"
  7. Medium Fighter 
  8. Heavy Fighter
  9. Recon
  10. Carryall
  11. Light Bomber
  12. Medium Bomber
  13. Heavy Bomber
  14. Light Troop Transport Ship 
  15. Medium Transport Ship
  16. Heavy Transport Ship
  17. Invasion Plane
  18. Airship Bomber


  1. Scout Boat
  2. Patrol Boat
  3. Attack Boat
  4. Invasion Class Landing Craft
  5. Supremacy Cruiser
  6. Battleship
  7. Submarine
  8. Missile Submarine
  9. Kamikaze Submarine
  10. Warship
  11. Aircraft Carrier
  12. Invasion Carrier

Space Ships-

  1. KLE Fighter
  2. Interceptor
  3. Space Reconnaissance Ship
  4. KLE Bomber
  5. Fighter-Bomber
  6. Drill Capsule
  7. Vulture-Class Cargo Ship
  8. Rhino-Class Cargo Ship
  9. Large Cargo Ship
  10. Vengeance-Class Cruiser
  11. Execution-Class Prison Cruiser
  12. Enforcer Class Cruiser
  13. Apocalypse Ship V1

Space Stations-

  1. Clone Station
  2. KL SSL Space Station
  3. Kylar's Battle Station
  4. Kylar's Fist



Picture Name Description Part of
KLE Slave Slave Soldier When a Mine is under attack Slaves will fight off intruders. Brotherhood of Kylar
Penal Battalion Prisoners who have to earn freedom with the blood of Kylar's enemies. Brotherhood of Kylar
Watcher Standard enforcement who are stationed at every street corner in a city. Brotherhood of Kylar
ESP Officer Officers who swear to Enforce, Secure, and Protect KL cities.
SWAT Soldier The most specialized civilian enforcement of Kylelandia.
Scout A lightly armored soldier who is sent out in the early stages of battle. Brotherhood of Kylar
Pilots Men who are trained to fly aerial vehicles. Brotherhood of Kylar
Engineer Brotherhood of Kylar
Brotherhood of Kylar Medic Medic The KL medic is a brotherhood soldier tasked with saving other BOK soldiers. Brotherhood of Kylar
Communications Officer Officers tasked with ordering supply drops and artillery bombardments. Brotherhood of Kylar
Kylar Militant Militant Aggressively Combative Civilians who will die for Kylar in a heartbeat. Brotherhood of Kylar
KLE Suicider HeroForge KL Suiciders Clones with highly explosive Liquid LCOAM Bombs strapped to their bodies. Clone Corps/ Terror Corps
15227959 664226760425486 2029936828 n KyleLandian Soldier Thousands of Clone soldiers are deployed almost everywhere the KLE fight. Clone Corps
Shock Trooper Soldiers that charge the enemy soon after artillery bombardment. Brotherhood of Kylar
Heavy Soldier
KyleLandian Rocket Soldier Infantrymen who are equipped with rocket launchers.
Mortar Trooper Soldiers who wear suits that are capable of firing mortar shells off their back.
Grenadier Soldiers armed with an abundance of grenades.
Tunnel Trooper Soldiers who are highly specialized in subterranean combat.
Burrow Trooper Soldiers who are capable of digging underground tunnels.
Mountain Trooper Main infantry in Mountain biomes.
KL Snow Trooper Snow Trooper Main infantry in cold biomes. KLE Blizzard Corps
Cryo Trooper Specialized infantry capable of freezing enemy units.
Sand Trooper Sand Trooper Main infantry in hot and dry biomes.
Lava Trooper Main infantry in hot and firey biomes.
Flame Trooper Infantry who carry flamethrowers that are good at burning the enemy.
Magma Trooper Specialized infantry who launch explosive fireballs.
KLE Swamp Trooper Swamp Trooper
Amphibious Trooper Soldiers who are deployed in swampy regions.
Sea Trooper Soldiers who are specialized in underwater combat.
Space Trooper The backbone of the Kylelandian Space Force.
Laser Trooper Basic Infantry that carry laser rifles instead of standard firearms.
Heavy Laser Trooper Heavy Infantry that carry laser machineguns instead of standard firearms.
ICOAM Trooper Specialized soldiers that fire a bright multi-colored beam.
LCOAM Trooper Anti-Material Trooper
Rad Trooper Soldiers who can radiate enemy soldiers and cause their bodies to fail.
Nuke Trooper Infantry that carry mini-nuke launchers that are devastating to enemy positions.
KL Paratrooper front Paratrooper Basic infantry that paradrop behind enemy lines.
Drop Troops Infantry that is deployed by drop pods from spaceships.
Sky Trooper Infantry equipped with Jet Packs who can glide attack enemy infantry.
KL Air Commando Air Commando
Wind Trooper Infantry equipped with wind cannons that can send the enemy flying.
Rain Trooper First Concept Rain Trooper Soldiers that are capable of rematerializing anywhere in a KL rainstorm.
Lightning Trooper Moves fast with Lightning movement. Can also Zap entire vehicles with a single charge of weapon.
Flash Trooper It can run incredibly fast and scout out enemy positions.
Light Trooper Can teleport and blind enemy units leaving them vulnerable to attack.
Spectrum Trooper
Sonic Trooper
Magnetic Trooper
Voltage Trooper
Ohm Trooper Ohm Trooper Can absorb, conduct, and manipulate electricity. They can also use electricity to fly.
Strong Man without arms Strong Men Genetically modified to lift incredibly heavy objects
Berserker Clone Berserker Clone Magically enhanced clone soldier that can rip & tear through enemies.
Kystenium Super Soldier All weapons do damage but Kystenium Super Soldiers can soak a ton of damage.
Zealot Of Kylar Zealot
KLE Navy Officer KLE Navy Officer
Kylar's 1st Class Honor Guard Honor Guard High-ranking Clones that defend Kylar's name by killing all who speak wrong of him
Kylar's Royal Guard Kylar's Royal Guards The Royal Guards who defend Kylar and his capital.
17351185 727348824113279 512793083 n Ky-Tar the Assassin One of the most impressive assassins within the KLE.
Body Double Clones that can act as the Emperor or KTD.
KTD Universal War Kyle The Destroyer The greatest warrior and first clone of the KLE. KLE
Emperor Kylar Kylar The Grand Emperor of the Kylelandian Empire. KLE


Picture Name Description Part of
KLE Battle Droid Light Droid A light and fast battledroid.
Medium Droid Heavier than Light droids and faster than Heavy droids.
Heavy Droid The strongest and slowest standard battledroid.
Security Droid
KLE Shield Droid Shield Droid An armed droid with a personal energy shield.
Forcefield Droid An unarmed droid that can shield others with a giant energy forcefield.
Guardian Droid Guardian Robot The first droid mass-produced by the KLE.




Part of

Scout Bike A really fast and light bike used for scouting out enemy positions.
Attack Bike A really fast and light bike used to harass enemy units.
Scout Car A light and fast vehicle armed with a Machine Gun nest.
Armored Car A slightly heavier and slower vehicle armed with a light Anti-Tank Cannon.
Light Armored Personnel Carrier A light and fast APC that is armed with an anti-infantry turret.
Armored Personnel Carrier A large APC armed with machine guns, anti-tank cannon, and a LCOAM Plasma cannon.
Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier A smaller APC that can float, it is also armed with an anti-tank cannon.
Levitating Assault Transport A Medium Transport capable of hovering over any obstacle while carrying infantry or small vehicles.
Anti-Air Tank A tank armed with 6 anti-air guns.
Demo-Truck A truck with an LCOAM bomb in the back. Used for Suicide attacks.
Utility Vehicle A vehicle operated by Engineers used to repair friendly vehicles or buildings.
Harvester A vehicle used to collect whatever resources that may be around.
Locator Vehicle A vehicle that has radar and can locate stealthed enemy units.
Rationalizer Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry join your side.
Intimidator Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry demoralized and flee.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle A Medium vehicle armed with an Automatic Anti-Infantry Cannon.
Amphibious Battle Tank A light battle tank that can float.
KLE Main Battle Tank
Dune Tank Secondary main battle tanks built to withstand the unforgiving heat and dust storms of desert planets.
Sandstorm A special tank that can unleash a massive barrage of missiles toward an enemy target.
Blizzard Tank Tertiary main battle tank built to endure the brutal, endless winters of ice planets.
Magma Tank A tank that can withstand the hottest and most dangerous environments like those on Lava Worlds.
Tsunami Tank Amphibious tanks useful for supporting naval invasions and combatting small seaborne threats.
Flank Tank Fast, unconventional tanks meant to outmaneuver enemies.
Light Armored Battle Tank Small, fast tanks meant to outnumber and outspeed, but not necessarily outgun other enemy tanks.
Medium Armored Battle Tank All-around, general purpose tanks built for conventional methods of attack.
Heavy Armored Battle Tank Large, durable tanks meant for direct assaults.
Anti-Material Tank A medium vehicle armed with an LCOAM Plasma Cannon.
Levitating Combat Tank A hover tank armed with a small anti-tank cannon and rocket pods, it is capable of maneuvering quickly to avoid enemy fire.
Tank Destroyer Heavily armored and heavy-hitting vehicle that's good for taking out vehicles,
Destroyer Tank A slightly faster and weaker cousin to the Tank Destroyer.
Self-Propelled Artillery A heavy and slow tank armed with an artillery cannon.
K-4 Missile Launcher A vehicle armed with the Kylelandian K-4 Missile System.
Chain Tank Heavy tank that is able to clear mines, rip through infantry, and tear light vehicles into shreds.
Blade Tank Experimental "melee tank" that is specialized for tearing through infantry. Also equipped with Anti-tank cannon.
Flame Tank Heavy vehicle that shoots flames and burns enemy infantry and garrisons.
Cryo Tank A tank that can freeze enemy units in their tracks then shatter them.
Fume Tank Large vehicle that releases poisonous LCOAM Gas and lights LCOAM clouds on Fire.
Shock Tank A tank that shoots electricity out of three electric rods.
Flash Tank A tank that can shoot a blinding flash at a target disorienting them.
Sonic Tank A tank that shoots deadly sonic waves at targets.
Skorpian Tank Heavy tank that fires a very powerful laser of super-heated LCOAM.
Stealth Tank A hover tank that can cloak to be invisible.
Supertanks Large tanks that can take a lot of damage and destroy anything.
Mobile Battle Base Able to transform into Powerful Defenses
Mobile Cloning Vehicle A vehicle that is essentially capable of copy-pasting buildings.


Name Description
Low-Grav Hopper Primary walker deployed on Moons.
High-Grav Crawler Deployed on planets where you can hardly stand.
Walking Tower A bipedal mech that looks like a man on very tall stilts.
Juggernaut A Bipedal mech meant for charging enemy units. It is good for knocking down other mechs and crushing enemy vehicles.
Dragon Mech A mech that can fly for short periods of time and is armed with a flame thrower.
Tri-Walker A 3-legged mech armed with a anti-infantry cannon.
Sea Floor Walker A Kylelandian Walker that can walk across any body of water and attack enemy ships from underneath.
KL Assault Walker The Primary KLE Walker that was usually deployed to mow down infantry.
Artillery Walker A walker that is good for climbing walls and laying down long-range support.
AT-APC V1 A Heavy Walker that can carry a ton of troops in an assault.
AT-CW A Heavy Walker that is meant to destroy enemy defenses and escort AT-APCs.
GOD EMPEROR MECH A 2-Mile Tall Walker that was built to combat The Great Ones. It can also be deployed to basically massacre enemy worlds.


  1. Kamikaze Plane
  2. Gunship
  3. Dropship
  4. Attack Helicopter
  5. Falcon Fighter
  6. Light Fighter "Dart"
  7. Medium Fighter 
  8. Heavy Fighter
  9. Recon
  10. Carryall
  11. Light Bomber
  12. Medium Bomber
  13. Heavy Bomber
  14. Light Troop Transport Ship 
  15. Medium Transport Ship
  16. Heavy Transport Ship
  17. Invasion Plane
  18. Airship Bomber
Name Description
Low-Grav Hopper Primary walker deployed on Moons.
High-Grav Crawler Deployed on planets where you can hardly stand.
Walking Tower A bipedal mech that looks like a man on very tall stilts.
Juggernaut A Bipedal mech meant for charging enemy units. It is good for knocking down other mechs and crushing enemy vehicles.
Dragon Mech A mech that can fly for short periods of time and is armed with a flame thrower.
Tri-Walker A 3-legged mech armed with a anti-infantry cannon.
Sea Floor Walker A Kylelandian Walker that can walk across any body of water and attack enemy ships from underneath.
KL Assault Walker The Primary KLE Walker that was usually deployed to mow down infantry.
Artillery Walker A walker that is good for climbing walls and laying down long-range support.
AT-APC V1 A Heavy Walker that can carry a ton of troops in an assault.
AT-CW A Heavy Walker that is meant to destroy enemy defenses and escort AT-APCs.
GOD EMPEROR MECH A 2-Mile Tall Walker that was built to combat The Great Ones. It can also be deployed to basically massacre enemy worlds.


  1. Scout Boat
  2. Patrol Boat
  3. Attack Boat
  4. Invasion Class Landing Craft
  5. Shield-Class Destroyer
  6. Supremacy Cruiser
  7. Battleship
  8. Submarine
  9. Missile Submarine
  10. Kamikaze Submarine
  11. Warship
  12. Aircraft Carrier
  13. Invasion Carrier

Space Ships-

  1. KLE Fighter
  2. Interceptor
  3. Space Reconnaissance Ship
  4. KLE Bomber
  5. Fighter-Bomber
  6. Drill Capsule
  7. Vulture-Class Cargo Ship
  8. Rhino-Class Cargo Ship
  9. Large Cargo Ship
  10. Vengeance-Class Cruiser
  11. Execution-Class Prison Cruiser
  12. Enforcer Class Cruiser
  13. Apocalypse Ship V1
  14. Apocalypse Ship V2
  15. Slicer-Class Attack Ship
  16. Doomsday Ship
  17. Planet Destroyer
  18. Planet Harvester
  19. Kylar's Planet Conqueror 
  20. Kylar's Imperial-class Cargo Ship

Space Stations-

  1. Clone Station
  2. KL SSL Space Station
  3. Kylar's Battle Station
  4. Kylar's Fist



Name Description Part of
Gore Hound Captured Wolves resurrected with LCOAM.
Slave Soldier When a Mine is under attack Slaves will fight off intruders. Brotherhood of Kylar
Penal Battalion Prisoners who have to earn freedom with the blood of Kylar's enemies. Brotherhood of Kylar
Watcher Standard enforcement who are stationed at every street corner in a city. Brotherhood of Kylar
ESP Officer Officers who swear to Enforce, Secure, and Protect KL cities.
SWAT Soldier The most specialized civilian enforcement of Kylelandia.
Scout A lightly armored soldier who is sent out in the early stages of battle. Brotherhood of Kylar
Pilots Men who are trained to fly aerial vehicles. Brotherhood of Kylar
Engineer Brotherhood of Kylar
Medic The KL medic is a brotherhood soldier tasked with saving other BOK soldiers. Brotherhood of Kylar
Communications Officer Officers tasked with ordering supply drops and artillery bombardments. Brotherhood of Kylar
Militant Aggressively Combative Civilians who will die for Kylar in a heartbeat. Brotherhood of Kylar
KL Suiciders Clones with highly explosive Liquid LCOAM Bombs strapped to their bodies. Clone Corps/ Terror Corps
KyleLandian Soldier Thousands of Clone soldiers are deployed almost everywhere the KLE fight. Clone Corps
Shock Trooper Soldiers that charge the enemy soon after artillery bombardment. Brotherhood of Kylar
Heavy Soldier
KyleLandian Rocket Soldier Infantrymen who are equipped with rocket launchers.
Mortar Trooper Soldiers who wear suits that are capable of firing mortar shells off their back.
Grenadier Soldiers armed with an abundance of grenades.
Tunnel Trooper Soldiers who are highly specialized in subterranean combat.
Burrow Trooper Soldiers who are capable of digging underground tunnels.
Mountain Trooper Main infantry in Mountain biomes.
Snow Trooper Main infantry in cold biomes. KLE Blizzard Corps
Cryo Trooper Specialized infantry capable of freezing enemy units.
Sand Trooper Main infantry in hot and dry biomes.
Lava Trooper Main infantry in hot and firey biomes.
Flame Trooper Infantry who carry flamethrowers that are good at burning the enemy.
Magma Trooper Specialized infantry who launch explosive fireballs.
Swamp Trooper
Amphibious Trooper Soldiers who are deployed in swampy regions.
Sea Trooper Soldiers who are specialized in underwater combat.
Space Trooper The backbone of the Kylelandian Space Force.
Laser Trooper Basic Infantry that carry laser rifles instead of standard firearms.
Heavy Laser Trooper Heavy Infantry that carry laser machineguns instead of standard firearms.
ICOAM Trooper Specialized soldiers that fire a bright multi-colored beam.
Anti-Material Trooper
Rad Trooper Soldiers who can radiate enemy soldiers and cause their bodies to fail.
Nuke Trooper Infantry that carry mini-nuke launchers that are devastating to enemy positions.
Paratrooper Basic infantry that paradrop behind enemy lines.
Drop Troops Infantry that is deployed by drop pods from spaceships.
Sky Trooper Infantry equipped with Jet Packs who can glide attack enemy infantry.
Air Commando
Wind Trooper Infantry equipped with wind cannons that can send the enemy flying.
Rain Trooper Soldiers that are capable of rematerializing anywhere in a KL rainstorm.
Lightning Trooper Moves fast with Lightning movement. Can also Zap entire vehicles with a single charge of weapon.
Flash Trooper It can run incredibly fast and scout out enemy positions.
Light Trooper Can teleport and blind enemy units leaving them vulnerable to attack.
Spectrum Trooper
Sonic Trooper
Magnetic Trooper
Voltage Trooper
Ohm Trooper Can absorb, conduct, and manipulate electricity. They can also use electricity to fly.
Chrono Trooper
DarkZone Trooper Mysterious and rare soldiers that can slow time and open rifts to attack helpless enemies.
Nightmare Trooper
Terror Trooper
Stealth Trooper
Spectral Scout Can phase through walls and observe most enemy facilities without being detected.
Soul Trooper
Psionic Trooper
Phantom Trooper
Quantum Trooper
Universal Trooper
Strong Men Genetically modified to lift incredibly heavy objects
LCOAM Super Soldier Standard firearms can not harm LCOAM Super Soldiers, Fire and Explosives will cause them to explode.
LCOAM Brute LCOAM Brutes are Mutated Soldiers that can soak up damage and tear apart enemy armor. These Mutants do not explode when killed.
Kystenium Super Soldier All weapons do damage but Kystenium Super Soldiers can soak a ton of damage.
Mind Reader Primarily used for interrogation but if deployed on the battlefield they can be beneficial.
Honor Guard High-ranking Clones that defend Kylar's name by killing all who speak wrong of him
Kylar's Royal Guards The Royal Guards who defend Kylar and his capital.
Royal Power Armor A 15 foot tall set of Power Armor controlled by Royal Guards.
Kylar's Personnel Power Armor Kylar's personally modified Royal Power Armor.
Body Double Clones that can act as the Emperor or KTD.
Kyle The Destroyer The greatest warrior and first clone of the KLE. KLE
Kylar The Grand Emperor of the Kylelandian Empire. KLE


Name Description Part of
Light Droid A light and fast battledroid.
Medium Droid Heavier than Light droids and faster than Heavy droids.
Heavy Droid The strongest and slowest standard battledroid.
Security Droid
Shield Droid An armed droid with a personal energy shield.
Forcefield Droid An unarmed droid that can shield others with a giant energy forcefield.
Guardian Robot The first droid mass-produced by the KLE.
Eradicator Droid A huge Bipedal Droid armed with a giant LCOAM Cannon in the center of its head.




Part of

Scout Bike A really fast and light bike used for scouting out enemy positions.
Attack Bike A really fast and light bike used to harass enemy units.
Scout Car A light and fast vehicle armed with a Machine Gun nest.
Armored Car A slightly heavier and slower vehicle armed with a light Anti-Tank Cannon.
Light Armored Personnel Carrier A light and fast APC that is armed with an anti-infantry turret.
Armored Personnel Carrier A large APC armed with machine guns, anti-tank cannon, and a LCOAM Plasma cannon.
Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier A smaller APC that can float, it is also armed with an anti-tank cannon.
Levitating Assault Transport A Medium Transport capable of hovering over any obstacle while carrying infantry or small vehicles.
Anti-Air Tank A tank armed with 6 anti-air guns.
Demo-Truck A truck with an LCOAM bomb in the back. Used for Suicide attacks.
Utility Vehicle A vehicle operated by Engineers used to repair friendly vehicles or buildings.
Harvester A vehicle used to collect whatever resources that may be around.
Locator Vehicle A vehicle that has radar and can locate stealthed enemy units.
Rationalizer Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry join your side.
Intimidator Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry demoralized and flee.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle A Medium vehicle armed with an Automatic Anti-Infantry Cannon.
Amphibious Battle Tank A light battle tank that can float.
RAM Main Battle Tank Most common main battle tank of the KLE during the Universal War.
Dune Tank Secondary main battle tanks built to withstand the unforgiving heat and dust storms of desert planets.
Sandstorm A special tank that can unleash a massive barrage of missiles toward an enemy target.
Blizzard Tank Tertiary main battle tank built to endure the brutal, endless winters of ice planets.
Magma Tank A tank that can withstand the hottest and most dangerous environments like those on Lava Worlds.
Tsunami Tank Amphibious tanks useful for supporting naval invasions and combatting small seaborne threats.
Flank Tank Fast, unconventional tanks meant to outmaneuver enemies.
Light Armored Battle Tank Small, fast tanks meant to outnumber and outspeed, but not necessarily outgun other enemy tanks.
Medium Armored Battle Tank All-around, general purpose tanks built for conventional methods of attack.
Heavy Armored Battle Tank Large, durable tanks meant for direct assaults.
Anti-Material Tank A medium vehicle armed with an LCOAM Plasma Cannon.
Kylar Gen. 1 Battle Tank An experimental series of teleporting MBT’s that saw limited use throughout the Universal War.
Kylar Gen. 2 Battle Tank A successor to the Gen. 1, which is more compact and fully automated.
Kylar Gen. 3 Battle Tank The final tank in the Kylar Series, it can teleport and manipulate time.
Levitating Combat Tank A hover tank armed with a small anti-tank cannon and rocket pods, it is capable of maneuvering quickly to avoid enemy fire.
Tank Destroyer Heavily armored and heavy-hitting vehicle that's good for taking out vehicles,
Destroyer Tank A slightly faster and weaker cousin to the Tank Destroyer.
Self-Propelled Artillery A heavy and slow tank armed with an artillery cannon.
K-4 Missile Launcher A vehicle armed with the Kylelandian K-4 Missile System.
Chain Tank Heavy tank that is able to clear mines, rip through infantry, and tear light vehicles into shreds.
Blade Tank Experimental "melee tank" that is specialized for tearing through infantry. Also equipped with Anti-tank cannon.
Flame Tank Heavy vehicle that shoots flames and burns enemy infantry and garrisons.
Cryo Tank A tank that can freeze enemy units in their tracks then shatter them.
Fume Tank Large vehicle that releases poisonous LCOAM Gas and lights LCOAM clouds on Fire.
Shock Tank A tank that shoots electricity out of three electric rods.
Flash Tank A tank that can shoot a blinding flash at a target disorienting them.
Sonic Tank A tank that shoots deadly sonic waves at targets.
Skorpian Tank Heavy tank that fires a very powerful laser of super-heated LCOAM.
Stealth Tank A hover tank that can cloak to be invisible.
Brain Tank Can take control of anything with a brain.
Psionic Tank An experimental tank that can make objects float and hurdle toward enemy units.
Chrono-Tank A tank that can revert its state to how it was 10 seconds before.
ATCV V1 A vehicle that can transform into multiple different unit types.
ATCV V2 A similar vehicle to the ATCV V1.
Supertanks Large tanks that can take a lot of damage and destroy anything.
Droid Transport A large vehicle that carries hundreds of Battle Droids.
Mobile Battle Base Able to transform into Powerful Defenses
Mobile Cloning Vehicle A vehicle that is essentially capable of copy-pasting buildings.
Land Battleship   Large land vehicles shaped like battleships making them amphibious.
Apocalypse Tank The largest Tank in the KLE arsenal.


Name Description
Low-Grav Hopper Primary walker deployed on Moons.
High-Grav Crawler Deployed on planets where you can hardly stand.
Walking Tower A bipedal mech that looks like a man on very tall stilts.
Juggernaut A Bipedal mech meant for charging enemy units. It is good for knocking down other mechs and crushing enemy vehicles.
Dragon Mech A mech that can fly for short periods of time and is armed with a flame thrower.
Tri-Walker A 3-legged mech armed with a anti-infantry cannon.
Sea Floor Walker A Kylelandian Walker that can walk across any body of water and attack enemy ships from underneath.
KL Assault Walker The Primary KLE Walker that was usually deployed to mow down infantry.
Artillery Walker A walker that is good for climbing walls and laying down long-range support.
AT-APC V2 A Heavier Walker that can carry more troops while also being able to transform into a large vehicle.
AT-CW A Heavy Walker that is meant to destroy enemy defenses and escort AT-APCs.
Mobile Cloning Mech A Mech that can clone soldiers and deploy them in the middle of battle.
Planetary Assault Walker An extremely powerful artillery walker with an extremely long recharge time. When ready to fire it can turn enemy bases into craters.
Apocalypse Walker An experimental Walker meant for being a super unit capable of taking out anything.
GOD EMPEROR MECH A 2-Mile Tall Walker that was built to combat The Great Ones. It can also be deployed to basically massacre enemy worlds.


  1. Kamikaze Plane
  2. Gunship
  3. Dropship
  4. Attack Helicopter
  5. Falcon Fighter
  6. Light Fighter "Dart"
  7. Medium Fighter 
  8. Heavy Fighter
  9. Recon
  10. Carryall
  11. ATCV V1 (Jet Mode)
  12. ATCV V2 (Jet Mode)
  13. Light Bomber
  14. Medium Bomber
  15. Heavy Bomber
  16. Light Troop Transport Ship 
  17. Medium Transport Ship
  18. Heavy Transport Ship
  19. Invasion Plane
  20. Airship Bomber
  21. Flying Fortress


  1. Scout Boat
  2. Patrol Boat
  3. Attack Boat
  4. ATCV V1 (Boat Mode)
  5. Invasion Class Landing Craft
  6. Shield-Class Destroyer
  7. Supremacy Cruiser
  8. Battleship
  9. Apocalypse Battleship
  10. Submarine
  11. Missile Submarine
  12. Kamikaze Submarine
  13. Warship
  14. Aircraft Carrier
  15. Invasion Carrier

Space Ships-

  1. KLE Fighter
  2. Interceptor
  3. Space Reconnaissance Ship
  4. KLE Bomber
  5. Fighter-Bomber
  6. Drill Capsule
  7. Vulture-Class Cargo Ship
  8. Rhino-Class Cargo Ship
  9. Large Cargo Ship
  10. Vengeance-Class Cruiser
  11. Execution-Class Prison Cruiser
  12. Enforcer Class Cruiser
  1. Apocalypse Ship V3
  2. Slicer-Class Attack Ship
  3. Doomsday Ship
  4. Planet Destroyer
  5. Planet Harvester
  6. Kylar's Planet Conqueror 
  7. Kylar's Imperial-class Cargo Ship
  8. Kylar's Imperious-Class Ultra Destroyer
  9. Kylar's Imperium Battleship

Space Stations-

  1. Clone Station
  2. KL SSL Space Station
  3. Kylar's Battle Station
  4. Kylar's Fist
  7. Galactic Conqueror 


Name Description Part of
Gore Hound Captured Wolves resurrected with LCOAM.
Slave Soldier When a Mine is under attack Slaves will fight off intruders. Brotherhood of Kylar
Penal Battalion Prisoners who have to earn freedom with the blood of Kylar's enemies. Brotherhood of Kylar
Watcher Standard enforcement who are stationed at every street corner in a city. Brotherhood of Kylar
ESP Officer Officers who swear to Enforce, Secure, and Protect KL cities.
SWAT Soldier The most specialized civilian enforcement of Kylelandia.
Scout A lightly armored soldier who is sent out in the early stages of battle. Brotherhood of Kylar
Pilots Men who are trained to fly aerial vehicles. Brotherhood of Kylar
Engineer Brotherhood of Kylar
Medic The KL medic is a brotherhood soldier tasked with saving other BOK soldiers. Brotherhood of Kylar
Communications Officer Officers tasked with ordering supply drops and artillery bombardments. Brotherhood of Kylar
Militant Aggressively Combative Civilians who will die for Kylar in a heartbeat. Brotherhood of Kylar
KL Suiciders Clones with highly explosive Liquid LCOAM Bombs strapped to their bodies. Clone Corps/ Terror Corps
KyleLandian Soldier Thousands of Clone soldiers are deployed almost everywhere the KLE fight. Clone Corps
Heavy Soldier
Mountain Trooper Main infantry in Mountain biomes.
Snow Trooper Main infantry in cold biomes. KLE Blizzard Corps
Cryo Trooper Specialized infantry capable of freezing enemy units.
Sand Trooper Main infantry in hot and dry biomes.
Lava Trooper Main infantry in hot and firey biomes.
Anti-Material Trooper
Air Commando
Rain Trooper Soldiers that are capable of rematerializing anywhere in a KL rainstorm.
Flash Trooper It can run incredibly fast and scout out enemy positions.
Ohm Trooper Can absorb, conduct, and manipulate electricity. They can also use electricity to fly.
Strong Men Genetically modified to lift incredibly heavy objects
LCOAM Super Soldier Standard firearms can not harm LCOAM Super Soldiers, Fire and Explosives will cause them to explode.
LCOAM Brute LCOAM Brutes are Mutated Soldiers that can soak up damage and tear apart enemy armor. These Mutants do not explode when killed.


Name Description Part of
Light Droid A light and fast battledroid.
Medium Droid Heavier than Light droids and faster than Heavy droids.
Heavy Droid The strongest and slowest standard battledroid.
Security Droid
Shield Droid An armed droid with a personal energy shield.
Forcefield Droid An unarmed droid that can shield others with a giant energy forcefield.
Guardian Robot The first droid mass-produced by the KLE.
Eradicator Droid A huge Bipedal Droid armed with a giant LCOAM Cannon in the center of its head.




Part of

Scout Bike A really fast and light bike used for scouting out enemy positions.
Attack Bike A really fast and light bike used to harass enemy units.
Scout Car A light and fast vehicle armed with a Machine Gun nest.
Armored Car A slightly heavier and slower vehicle armed with a light Anti-Tank Cannon.
Light Armored Personnel Carrier A light and fast APC that is armed with an anti-infantry turret.
Armored Personnel Carrier A large APC armed with machine guns, anti-tank cannon, and a LCOAM Plasma cannon.
Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier A smaller APC that can float, it is also armed with an anti-tank cannon.
Levitating Assault Transport A Medium Transport capable of hovering over any obstacle while carrying infantry or small vehicles.
Anti-Air Tank A tank armed with 6 anti-air guns.
Demo-Truck A truck with an LCOAM bomb in the back. Used for Suicide attacks.
Utility Vehicle A vehicle operated by Engineers used to repair friendly vehicles or buildings.
Harvester A vehicle used to collect whatever resources that may be around.
Locator Vehicle A vehicle that has radar and can locate stealthed enemy units.
Rationalizer Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry join your side.
Intimidator Truck Makes low tier enemy infantry demoralized and flee.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle A Medium vehicle armed with an Automatic Anti-Infantry Cannon.
Amphibious Battle Tank A light battle tank that can float.
RAM Main Battle Tank Most common main battle tank of the KLE during the Universal War.
Dune Tank Secondary main battle tanks built to withstand the unforgiving heat and dust storms of desert planets.
Sandstorm A special tank that can unleash a massive barrage of missiles toward an enemy target.
Blizzard Tank Tertiary main battle tank built to endure the brutal, endless winters of ice planets.
Magma Tank A tank that can withstand the hottest and most dangerous environments like those on Lava Worlds.
Tsunami Tank Amphibious tanks useful for supporting naval invasions and combatting small seaborne threats.
Flank Tank Fast, unconventional tanks meant to outmaneuver enemies.
Light Armored Battle Tank Small, fast tanks meant to outnumber and outspeed, but not necessarily outgun other enemy tanks.
Medium Armored Battle Tank All-around, general purpose tanks built for conventional methods of attack.
Heavy Armored Battle Tank Large, durable tanks meant for direct assaults.
Anti-Material Tank A medium vehicle armed with an LCOAM Plasma Cannon.
Kylar Gen. 1 Battle Tank An experimental series of teleporting MBT’s that saw limited use throughout the Universal War.
Kylar Gen. 2 Battle Tank A successor to the Gen. 1, which is more compact and fully automated.
Kylar Gen. 3 Battle Tank The final tank in the Kylar Series, it can teleport and manipulate time.
Levitating Combat Tank A hover tank armed with a small anti-tank cannon and rocket pods, it is capable of maneuvering quickly to avoid enemy fire.
Tank Destroyer Heavily armored and heavy-hitting vehicle that's good for taking out vehicles,
Destroyer Tank A slightly faster and weaker cousin to the Tank Destroyer.
Self-Propelled Artillery A heavy and slow tank armed with an artillery cannon.
K-4 Missile Launcher A vehicle armed with the Kylelandian K-4 Missile System.
Chain Tank Heavy tank that is able to clear mines, rip through infantry, and tear light vehicles into shreds.
Blade Tank Experimental "melee tank" that is specialized for tearing through infantry. Also equipped with Anti-tank cannon.
Flame Tank Heavy vehicle that shoots flames and burns enemy infantry and garrisons.
Cryo Tank A tank that can freeze enemy units in their tracks then shatter them.
Fume Tank Large vehicle that releases poisonous LCOAM Gas and lights LCOAM clouds on Fire.
Shock Tank A tank that shoots electricity out of three electric rods.
Flash Tank A tank that can shoot a blinding flash at a target disorienting them.
Sonic Tank A tank that shoots deadly sonic waves at targets.
Skorpian Tank Heavy tank that fires a very powerful laser of super-heated LCOAM.
Stealth Tank A hover tank that can cloak to be invisible.
Brain Tank Can take control of anything with a brain.
Psionic Tank An experimental tank that can make objects float and hurdle toward enemy units.
Chrono-Tank A tank that can revert its state to how it was 10 seconds before.
ATCV V1 A vehicle that can transform into multiple different unit types.
ATCV V2 A similar vehicle to the ATCV V1.
Supertanks Large tanks that can take a lot of damage and destroy anything.
Droid Transport A large vehicle that carries hundreds of Battle Droids.
Mobile Battle Base Able to transform into Powerful Defenses
Mobile Cloning Vehicle A vehicle that is essentially capable of copy-pasting buildings.
Land Battleship   Large land vehicles shaped like battleships making them amphibious.
Apocalypse Tank The largest Tank in the KLE arsenal.


Name Description
KL Assault Walker The Primary KLE Walker that was usually deployed to mow down infantry.
AT-APC V2 A Heavier Walker that can carry more troops while also being able to transform into a large vehicle.


  1. Kamikaze Plane
  2. Gunship
  3. Dropship
  4. Attack Helicopter
  5. Falcon Fighter
  6. Light Fighter "Dart"
  7. Medium Fighter 
  8. Heavy Fighter
  9. Recon
  10. Carryall
  11. ATCV V1 (Jet Mode)
  12. ATCV V2 (Jet Mode)
  13. Light Bomber
  14. Medium Bomber
  15. Heavy Bomber
  16. Light Troop Transport Ship 
  17. Medium Transport Ship
  18. Heavy Transport Ship
  19. Invasion Plane
  20. Airship Bomber
  21. Flying Fortress


  1. Scout Boat
  2. Patrol Boat
  3. Attack Boat
  4. ATCV V1 (Boat Mode)
  5. Invasion Class Landing Craft
  6. Shield-Class Destroyer
  7. Supremacy Cruiser
  8. Battleship
  9. Apocalypse Battleship
  10. Submarine
  11. Missile Submarine
  12. Kamikaze Submarine
  13. Warship
  14. Aircraft Carrier
  15. Invasion Carrier

Space Ships-

  1. KLE Fighter
  2. Interceptor
  3. KLE Bomber
  4. Fighter-Bomber
  5. Rhino-Class Cargo Ship
  6. Large Cargo Ship
  7. Vengeance-Class Cruiser
  8. Enforcer Class Cruiser
  9. Apocalypse Ship V2
  10. Apocalypse Ship V3

Space Stations-

  1. Kylar's Battle Station 

Buildings & Defenses


  • Anti-Infantry Turret
  • Laser Turret
  • AA Guns
  • SAM Site
  • Mortar Tower
  • Laser Towers
  • Lightning Tower
  • Ship Destroyer Turret
  • Royal Artillery 


  • LCOAM Generator
  • LCOAM Refinery
  • Tier 1 LCOAM Powerplant
  • Tier 2 KL LCOAM Powerplant
  • Clone Machines (KL ONLY)
  • Clone Factory (KL ONLY)
  • Clone Cubes (KL ONLY)
  • Barracks (BOK ONLY)
  • Large Barracks (BOK ONLY)
  • War Academy (KL ONLY)
  • Droid Assembler
  • Droid Workshop
  • Droid Factory
  • Vehicle Factory
  • War Factory
  • War Pit
  • Information HUB
  • Experimental Laboratory
  • Experimental Factory
  • Experimental Fortress
  • Navy Dock
  • Naval Base
  • Naval Factory
  • Helipad
  • Air Field
  • Air Base
  • Military Factory
  • Space Yard
  • Rain Tower
  • Technology Tower

Support Powers

  • LCOAM Nuke
  • Planet Nuke
  • The Big Bang (Destroys Solar Systems)
Support Powers Unlocked By Description
Kamikaze Strike Air Field Commands a squadron of Kamikaze planes to crash into the targeted area.
Lightning Strike Rain Tower Deploys a devastating column of Lightning to the selected point on the battlefield.
Heart Stopper Technology Tower Kills infantry within 50 feet of the targeted area.
Deploy Clone Cube Space Yard Lands a clone cube onto the battlefield carrying a large attack force.
Shockwave Bomb Experimental Laboratory
Nuclear Missile Missile Silo


  • The KyleLandian Empire was inspired by multiple different armies such as GDI and Nod from the C&C Series, or The Galactic Empire from Star Wars, or even real armies like different militaries from the Second World War.

