- "Anonymous" "Hackers"
- 11th Temple of Kylar
- 12th Temple of Kylar
- 13th Temple of Kylar
- 1810's for English military
- 1860's Britain
- 1860's Germany
- 22nd Temple of Kylar
- 23rd Temple of Kylar
- 24th Temple of Kylar
- 25th Temple of Kylar
- 26th Temple of Kylar
- 27th Temple of Kylar
- 55 Cancri e
- 8-Bit Armies
- A-10 Thunderbolt II
- AK-15
- AT-20 Scorpion Tank
- AT-5 Stealth Tank
- AT-6 Flame Tank
- AV-8 Harrier
- AW-12 Mastodon
- Aardonyx
- Aardvark
- Abelisaurus
- Abrams Tank (Mental Omega)
- Academy
- Adam Young
- Adeptus Astartes
- Adolf Hitler
- Adventure Creator
- Adventurer
- Aeon Illuminate
- Africa
- African Elephant
- African Warlords (C&C: Generals)
- African ground squirrel
- Ahch-To
- Aircraft Carrier (FC)
- Aircraft Carrier (RA2)
- Albino Wolfhound
- Alderaan
- Alien
- Aliens (Fallout)
- All Tumbling Down
- Alley Viper
- Allies
- Alligator
- Allosaurus
- Alpha
- Alpha Pitbull
- Alternate History
- Alternate Kylar
- American Civil War
- Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier
- Anchiceratops
- Ancient Darkness
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Japan
- Ancient ones
- Andromeda Galaxy (RP)
- Anglerfish
- Annihilator
- Annihilator Tripod
- Anthem of the Kylelandian Empire
- Anthrobot
- Anti-Material Tank
- Anti-Material Trooper
- Aparoid
- Apocalypse Battleship
- Apocalypse Program
- Apocalypse Raid
- Apocalypse Ship Prototype
- Apocalypse Ship V1
- Apocalypse Ship V2
- Apocalypse Ship V3
- Apocalypse Ship V4
- Apocalypse Tank (RA2)
- Apocalypse Tank (RA3)
- Apocalypse Walker
- Arachnids
- Archer Maiden
- Arda
- Area 23
- Arena Battles
- Ares (Hero)
- Armies of Khorne (WHFB)
- Armored Personnel Carrier
- Army
- Army Designs
- Army of Thanos
- Arrow Interceptor
- Artemis
- Artemis MLRS
- Artemis Starfighter
- Artificial Strategic Assistant
- Artillery Crew (Polnarci)
- Artillery Graug
- Arus the Purple Gas Giant
- Ascended
- Asholith
- Asian-Pacific Alliance
- Asian Elephant
- Assassination of KTD
- Assault Destroyer
- Assimilator
- Athenia
- Attack Bike
- Attack Bike (Fan-Made)
- Attack Dog (FC)
- Attack on Kylelandia
- Augustus Caesar
- Australia (WW2)
- Australia (War on Terror)
- Australian Front (Clone War)
- Australian Military
- Austria-Hungary (World War 1)
- Avalanche
- Avatar (Fan-Made)
- Avatar Warmech
- Awakened
- BOK Conscript
- BOK Militia
- Back in Action
- Balrog
- Baneblade
- Barad-dûr
- Barracks
- Basilisk
- Basilisk Beam Cannon (Fan-Made)
- Bass Booster
- Bastion
- BattleTech/Mechwarrior
- Battle Android Trooper (B.A.T.)
- Battle Engineer
- Battle Fortress
- Battle for Hill 366
- Battle of Kylar's Stronghold
- Battle on Guinea
- Battle on Ottoman-9
- Beam Cannon Laser Artillery
- Beastmaster Herd
- Beasts of Chaos
- Beavcoon Nation
- Beefalo
- Behemoth
- Benito Mussolini
- Berserker Clone
- Bespin
- Beta
- Beta Commando
- Beta Harvester
- Beta Seeker
- Betweenland Dimension
- Big Sister Bird
- Bim Trimmer
- Bison
- Bison Transport Craft
- BlackDarkWolves
- BlackDarkWolves (Youtube)
- Black Hand
- Black Hand (Faction)
- Black Hand (TT)
- Black Hand Commando (Fan-Made)
- Black Hand Stealth Tank
- Black List
- Black Ops (Half-Life)
- Blade Tank
- Blades of Khorne
- Bleak Outlook
- Blinconic Exoskeleton
- Blinconic Metal
- Blitz Attack Sub
- Blitzer E. Matrix
- Blitzer E. the Supreme
- Blitzer E. the Supreme: Boss fight
- Blitzerian
- Blitzerian Mechapede
- Blitzerian Scout
- Blitzerians vs Kylelandian War
- Blizzard Tank
- Blood Fly
- Blood Oxen
- Bloodthirster
- Blueania Forces
- Bobcat
- Bogano
- Bomb
- Bomb Buggy (EL)
- Books
- Boom Beach Army
- Boomer
- Borg
- Bowman
- Brain Tank
- Brandon Wolves
- Brendan Wolves
- Brenden Hoelcher
- British
- British Commonwealth (World War 2)
- British Empire (World War 1)
- British Fusiliers (Rev War)
- British Grenadier (Rev War)
- British Light Infantry (Rev War)
- British Line Infantry (Rev War)
- British Medieval
- British Rangers (Rev War)
- British Regular Infantry (Rev War)
- British War on Terror (Modern Day/2010's)
- Brotherhood Assault Soldier
- Brotherhood Civil War
- Brotherhood Commando
- Brotherhood Invasion of Antarctica
- Brotherhood Of Iron
- Brotherhood Of Steel
- Brotherhood of Kylar (Emergence War)
- Brotherhood of Kylar (RTS)
- Brotherhood of Kylar (WW1)
- Brotherhood of Kylar (WW3)
- Brute (Yuri)
- Bryce
- Buddy Camp Out
- Buffalo
- Buggernaut
- Bulgaria (World War 1)
- Bull
- Bull tank
- Bulldog Attack Vehicle
- Bullet Ants
- Bullfrog Transport
- Burrow Trooper
- Butter-Flyer
- Buzzcutter Artillery
- Buzzers
- C.E.L.L.
- CC-6 Pitbull
- CS.204 Vulture
- Caesar’s Legion
- Call of Duty Zombies
- Canada (World War 2)
- Canadian Lynx
- Canadian Military
- Cantonica
- Capellan Confederation
- Capitol Hill Riot 2021
- Capture of Voyager 1
- Caragath
- Caragor Riders
- Carbonculus
- Carnage on Chimeradan
- Carryall Cargo Vessel
- Cartel
- Casiban
- Catastrophe Tank
- Cave Troll
- Cenozoic Animals
- Centaur Attack Vehicle
- Central Command
- Centurion Walker
- Ceph
- Cerberus
- Changelings
- Chaos
- Chaos Drone
- Chaos Dwarfs
- Cheetah
- Chef iplier
- Chestburster
- Chime
- Chimera
- Chimeradan
- China (Fallout)
- China (Mental Omega)
- Chinese Military
- Chinese Military (1980's)
- Chinese Military (War on Terror)
- Chinese United Front (WW2)
- Chopper VX
- Christianity
- Chronicles of Narnia Creatures
- Chrono Cannon
- Chrono Legionnaire
- Chrono Miner
- Chrono tank
- Citadel (EL)
- Civil Protection
- Clan Albion
- Clash of the Two Empires
- Clasher
- Clear the Junk
- Clementine Brigade
- Cloaker (Payday 2)
- Clone Commander Conner
- Clone Station
- Clone War (RP)
- Clone Zombies
- Clone program
- Cloud Harvester
- Cloudburst
- Cobra
- Cobra Artillery (Fan-Made)
- Cobra Bazooka Trooper
- Cobra C.L.A.W.S.
- Cobra Hostile Environment Specialist
- Cobra Incinerator
- Cobra Moray
- Cobra Officer
- Cobra Trooper
- Coda
- Colchis
- Cold War
- Colonial Marines
- Colonial Wars (RP)
- Colossus (Fan-Made)
- Combat Engineer
- Combat Wolf
- Combine
- Combine Armored Personnel Carrier
- Combine Empire vs New Empire of Kylar
- Combine Guard
- Combine Gunship
- Combine Stalker
- Combine Super Soldier
- Combine Synth Elite Soldier
- Command & Conquer
- Command & Conquer: Armored Attack
- Command & Conquer: Attack Copter
- Command & Conquer: Generals
- Command & Conquer: Generals (Series)
- Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert (Series)
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
- Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection
- Command & Conquer: Tiberian (Series)
- Command & Conquer: Tiberian Incursion
- Command & Conquer: Tiberium
- Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
- Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath