Kylar Wiki

The civilization of Xtonia is one of Kylar's longest and most loyal Allies. The Xtonians were genetically modified humans who were created on Earth in 1969; they became technologically better than normal human societies and created the first functioning droids.

Xtonia also has factories and laboratories (That are similar to Aperture from the Portal Games) on moons that they control.

Xtonia seems to be a strange civilization where they have many absurd and crazy weapons and vehicles compared to the rest of the factions in the Roleplay.

The Xtones

The civilization is controlled by multiple different beings whom are blue that have different titles such as King Xtone or Lord Xtone but all of them have power over their Galactic Kingdom. It is rumored that the whole Planet of Xtonia will Implode if one specific Xtone dies, although it is unconfirmed who, it is speculated that King Xtone is the Xtone who bares the life of the Xtonian people.

Xtones have lived for centuries and are incapable of dying from disease or aging and are immortal unless someone directly ends their life. This is similar to the KLE clones who are genetically modified to never age and die from disease.


XTonia is a planet somewhere near the Kylelandian Empire. It was colonized a long time ago by the Xtonians who left Earth nearly a century before the Kylelandians and Wolveslandians did. The planet is similar to Earth geographically and there are many cities that reside on the planet. The capital city is quite massive and can be considered a super city due to how much is packed inside of it. Like the Kylelandian Capital, the Xtonian Capital has little to no signs of nature within it.



  • Plasma Rifles
  • Machine Guns


Picture Name Description Tier
Xtonia soldier Scout 1
Medic 1
Engineer 1
Xtonian Rifleman Xtonian Soldier 1
Xtonian Anti-Air Soldier 1
Xtonian Chip thrower Flaming Chip Throwers 2
FU Soldier 2
Cyborg Cybernetically altered soldiers who can run faster and hit harder than normal soldiers. 2
Xtonian Cyborg Disintegrator Cyborg Cybernetically altered soldiers equipped with a beam cannon capable of disintegrating enemy soldiers. 2
Elite Cyborg Heavily armored cybernetically enhanced soldiers who are some of the toughest infantry units within the Kingdom. 3
Commando 3
Teleportation Soldier 3
Adept 3


Picture Name Description Tier
Portal Droid Fast reconnaissance units that can periodically teleport up to a certain distance. 1
Light Battle Droid Fast but lightly armored combat units that are somewhat agile. 1
Medium Battle Droid Even though they are heavier and slower than LBDs, they have better armor and equipment. 2
X-Terminator Droid Four-legged assault droid equipped with dual machine guns. 2
Heavy Battle Droid Hulking war machines that can blast away enemy vehicles. 3
Giant Robot A massive robotic machine that can stomp on infantry and smash enemy vehicles. 3


Picture Name Description Tier
Hover Bike 1
Battle-Car 1
Armored Personnel Carrier 1
Rattle Tank 2
Anti-Air Tank 2
XTonian Hover Laser Artillery Hover Laser Artillery 2
Laser Cannon 3

Mechanized Walkers

Picture Name Description Tier
Scout Mech 1
Monkey Mech 2

Naval Vessels

Picture Name Description Tier
Landing Craft 1
Recon Boat 1
Destroyer 2
Battleship 2
Cruiser 3
Winter Flower 3


Picture Name Description Tier
Dropship 1
Fighter Jet 1
Bomber 1


Picture Name Description Tier
Xtonian Fighter Fighter 1
Bomber 1
Interceptor 2
Fowking Teapot The FowKing "Teapot" 2
XTonian Space Tyrant Space Tyrant 3


